- Warm Up:
- Two sets of:
- Assault Bike x 2 minutes
- Plank x 1 minute
- Bottom Squat KB Goblet Hold x 30 second
Followed by:
- Two sets of:
- Banded Face Pull x 20 reps
- Air Squat x 10 reps
- Five sets of:
- Front Squat x 1-2 reps
- (load as heavy as possible, if you get the second rep, increase load – goal is today’s 2-RM)
- Rest 30 seconds
- Seated Dumbbell External Rotations x 6-8 reps each @ 2111
- Rest 30 seconds
- For time:
- 50/35 Calories of Assault Bike (or 75/50 Calories of Rowing on Concept 2)
- 30 Kettlebell Front Squats
- 15 Box Step-Overs with Kettlebell Farmer’s Carry
- For time:
- 50/35 Calories of Assault Bike (or 75/50 Calories of Rowing on Concept 2)
- 25 Front Squats (175/115 lbs)
- 25 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
Barbell should start from the ground.
Patty FS #90×2 – WOD Performance 12:38 #65
Auraya FS #62 – WOD – Fitness -15:45 – Started second round – bike only
Bryant FS #115 – WOD – Fitness – 17:58 – Started second round – row only
Great job, guys!
Rachael T