241014 Columbus Day WOD
Bench: 3×10 (90 seconds rest between) Metcon: 4 min Tabata Back Squat 105/85 1 min rest 4min Tabata Hang Power…
Workout of the Day
Bench: 3×10 (90 seconds rest between) Metcon: 4 min Tabata Back Squat 105/85 1 min rest 4min Tabata Hang Power…
Bench Press: 15 mins attempt 3RM for as many reps as possible. Metcon: 4 mins each Tabata Workout Jumping Lunges…
Front Squat: 15 mins to find a heavy triple. Metcon: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Thrusters @ 60% of 3RM Burpees over the Bar…
Bench Press: 15 mins to attempt your heavy triple weight achieved on Monday for 4-5 reps today. Finish with a…
Deadlift: 15 mins to build to a heavy triple. Diane: Modified 21-15-9 For Time: Deadlift @ 60% of 3RM Wall-Ball…
Back Squat: 15 mins to build to a heavy triple. (3) Metcon: For Time 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Burpee Pull-Ups Box Jumps Double-Unders…
Bench Press: 15 mins to build up heavy triple. Metcon: Tabata Monday Today is a repeat of last Monday. Try…
Front Squat: 15 mins to find heavy 5RM Metcon: For Time Round 1: 20 Front Rack Lunges 20 Burpee Box…
Bench Press: 15 mins to build to a heavy 5RM Metcon: CAT 1: 3 MIN AMRAP 3 RENEGADE ROWS 3…
Deadlift: 15 mins to build to heavy 5 RM Metcon: Coach’s Choice
Bench Press: 15 mins to set a heavy 5 rep. Metcon: Today is a full-body Tabata workout using only bodyweight…
Strength: Deadlift 4×10 Metcon: For Time 21-15-9 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95/65) Double-Unders (3x Singles) Cal Row