Bench Press: 15 mins attempt 3RM for as many reps as possible.

Metcon: 4 mins each

Tabata Workout

  1. Jumping Lunges
  • 20 seconds: Alternate lunges, jumping between each switch.
  • 10 seconds: Rest.
  1. Angled Push-Ups
  • 20 seconds: Perform push-ups with hands close together in a diamond shape.
  • 10 seconds: Rest.
  1. Russian Twists
  • 20 seconds: Sit on the floor, lean back slightly, and rotate your torso to touch the floor on each side.
  • 10 seconds: Rest.
  1. Flutter Kicks
  • 20 seconds: Lie on your back, lift your legs slightly, and kick them in a fluttering motion.
  • 10 seconds: Rest.
  1. Squat Pulses
  • 20 seconds: Get into a squat position and pulse up and down, staying low.
  • 10 seconds: Rest.
  1. Bear Crawl
  • 20 seconds: Crawl forward and backward on all fours, keeping your knees off the ground.
  • 10 seconds: Rest.
  1. Alternating Side Plank
  • 20 seconds: Transition between left and right side planks, holding each side for a moment.
  • 10 seconds: Rest.
  1. Box Jumps (or Step-Ups if a box isn’t available)
  • 20 seconds: Jump onto a box or step up as quickly as possible.
  • 10 seconds: Rest.