General Warm-Up:

– Dynamic Stretching: 5-10 minutes

– Warm-Up Sets: 2-3 sets of 10 reps with an empty bar for hang cleans and bench press.

– Gradually increasing weight to your working sets for bench press.

Bench Press (Strength Focus)

  • Sets: 5
  • Reps: 5
  • Rest: 2-3 minutes
  • Load: Use a weight that is challenging for 5 reps (about 80-85% of your 1RM).

Chest Dips (Bodyweight or Weighted)

  • Sets: 3
  • Reps: 10-15
  • Rest: 1.5 minutes
  • Load: Bodyweight or add weight if bodyweight is too easy.


Duration: EMOM for 20 minutes

Format: Every Minute On the Minute (EMOM)

  • Odd Minutes: Perform 10 Hang Cleans
  • Even Minutes: Perform a 200-meter run
Structure Explanation:
  • Minute 1: Perform 10 Hang Cleans
  • Minute 2: Run 200 meters
  • Minute 3: Perform 10 Hang Cleans
  • Minute 4: Run 200 meters
  • Continue alternating each minute until 20 minutes are completed.
Cool Down:
  • Static Stretching: 5-10 minutes focusing on the chest, shoulders, triceps, legs, and back.
Coaching Tips:
  • Hang Cleans: Use a moderate weight that allows you to complete 10 reps with good form within the minute. Aim for a weight that is challenging but manageable.
  • Running: Keep a steady pace that you can maintain throughout the workout.
  • Transitions: Move quickly between exercises to maximize your work time within each minute.
  • Form Over Speed: Ensure proper form to avoid injuries, especially as you start to fatigue.
Example Weights for Hang Cleans:
  • Beginners: 50-70 lbs
  • Intermediate: 70-100 lbs
  • Advanced: 100+ lbs


  1. Friday Morning:
    Andrew – BP #95 – Row, Bike #65
    Patty – BP #65 – Run,Row, Bike #65

  2. Chris: 6 rounds, wt: 55lbs, Bench 205lbs
    Bryant: 6 rounds, wt: 45lbs, Bench 185lbs

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